Bug 3637 - ./drivers/thermal/intel/intel_soc_dts_iosf.c:394:5-11: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero: tj_max < 0
Summary: ./drivers/thermal/intel/intel_soc_dts_iosf.c:394:5-11: WARNING: Unsigned expr...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Upstream
Classification: Unclassified
Component: drivers (show other bugs) drivers
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All Linux
: P3-Medium S3-normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: abaci-robot
QA Contact:
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Reported: 2023-01-06 08:56 UTC by abaci-robot
Modified: 2023-01-06 08:56 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description abaci-robot alibaba_cloud_group 2023-01-06 08:56:45 UTC
./drivers/thermal/intel/intel_soc_dts_iosf.c:394:5-11: WARNING: Unsigned expression compared with zero: tj_max < 0

In the following kernel version:

name: linux-next
url: http://kernel.source.codeaurora.cn/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git
branch: next-20230105
commit: cc3c08b41a9c9402ead726ec6deb1217081d0d8b

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